Creating a Satisfying Illusion of Balance in a High-Quality Fly Rod
Some fishing rods feel obviously unbalanced, and that can make the sport a lot less enjoyable. A severely butt-heavy rod that is used for trolling might not present problems, but other types of fishing are less accommodating of such flaws.
People who enjoy fly fishing, for instance, can cast hundreds of times in the course of even a short session. If a rod's weight distribution makes it feel awkward and uncooperative, the meditative quality that fly fishing is so famous for will be impaired.
As such, it can be worthwhile to try to improve a rod's balance before using it for fly fishing. While perfect balance under all conditions can never be achieved, a high-quality Fly Rod can feature a satisfying imitation of it. Just how balanced a rod feels will always depend on the nature of a number of its components.
Several Factors Contribute to Feelings of Balance in a Rod
Experts are understandably fond of noting that the actual balance of a rod will vary significantly in the course of routine usage. While that is true, some rods do a better job of promoting feelings of overall balance than others.
How this works out in practice will always depend on a number of distinct factors. The parts of a complete fly fishing setup that contribute the most to a feeling of balance or a lack of it are the:
Blank. With products handcrafted from bamboo or the like being the exception, most rods are based on readily available blanks. Some blanks are weighted to account for additional components of particular types and designs, while others are less thoughtfully conceived. Choosing a rod with a blank that will suit a particular style of fly fishing will make achieving a feeling of balance easier.
Handle. The handle a rod gets fitted with will always contribute significantly to the overall distribution of its weight. An excessively heavy handle will make it difficult to fit a sturdy, capacious reel without making the finished product feel overly biased toward the butt end.
Reel. Some reels are particularly light and delicate, and they are often installed to help lessen feelings of imbalance. Since the choice of a reel has so many directly functional implications, the impact of such decisions can be significant.
A More Balanced Feeling Rod
While no rod can ever be perfectly balanced at all times, there are simple ways to create a rewarding, related illusion. Focusing on parts like the blank, handle, and reel will normally impact a rod's feeling of balance more than any other option.